Black Country Living Museum
Year 5 had 4 wonderful days out at the Black Country Living Museum where they delved further in to Victorian life. The children took part in an art session, creating beautiful tiles in the style of the Victorian canal workers. It was tricky to create such detailed patterns but the children showed superb resilience and self belief and create some lovely tile designs.
During our session in the school room; the children experienced life in a very strict classroom! Children learnt to write on slate boards and learnt their times tables by chanting. The school teacher was very strict and even used the cane to discipline Mr Brown; who wasn’t behaving himself!
Later on, the children went down the mine to experience what life was like working underground. It was cold and damp in the mines and the ceilings were really low. The explosions were loud and scary - the ground shook! Life for the coal miners was really tough and they didnt earn very much money!
The children also had time to explore the Victorian shops and houses, listening to stories and information from the people who lived and worked there.
We had a great day and learnt alot about life in the Victorian times.