Maths downloads
English Downloads
Nursery Writing Journey
You can find details of each year groups curriculum on each of the year groups pages under curriculum and resources.
National Curriculum
We have recently redeveloped our curriculum to make sure it is the very best it can be for our children - that it captures their interest and builds firmly on prior learning. Skills and knowledge are carefully planned, revisited and developed across each subject.
Some subjects are taught discretely - Science, RE, PSHE, ICT and Music. Other subjects are taught through a thematic approach. These subjects are mapped across each year.
Each theme is linked to high quality texts that the children will explore in detail, developing their reading and comprehension skills and building their vocabulary. Through their Literacy work, children are given the opportunity to write and edit for a variety of purposes and readers.
At Wyken Croft we have been working with the Maths hub to introduce Mastery teaching in Mathematics. Mastery is an evidenced based approach to mathematics which enables children to develop deep, long term and adaptable understanding of maths. It is an inclusive approach which operates at a much slower pace enabling better progress which gives all children the opportunity to achieve. This links closely with the National Curriculum, which has been designed to raise standards in maths, aiming for the majority to pupil to gain a mastery of the subject through fluency, mathematical reasoning and problem solving.
Adopting the mastery approach involves whole class teaching moving through topics at broadly the same pace; each topic being studied for longer and in depth moving the children forward only when they all demonstrate a secure understanding of mathematical concepts.
Moving through topics at a slower pace, using smaller steps, means that pupils have time to think more deeply about the concepts and this slower pace leads to greater progress as it ensures student are secure in their learning.
Times Tables
Learning times tables is vital to a secure mathematical understanding. They underpin many different aspects of maths throughout school and a quick secure recall of times tables facts is very important. As the children move through the school, they build upon what they have previously learnt by focusing on a new times table each term, whilst practicing known times tables often.
At Wyken Croft, we take a systematical approach to learning times tables:
Year 1: Counting in 1s and 2s to 20.
Year 2: Learning the 10, 5 and 2 x tables.
Year 3: Learning the 3, 4 and 8 x tables.
Year 4: Learning the 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 x tables.
Years 5 and 6: Applying their times table knowledge to multiplying by tens and tenths, hundreds and hundredths, thousands and thousandths.
You can support your child at home by helping them to complete their times tables homework, playing times tables games and practising regularly. Children can also practice their times tables online at

Children read daily, either through Guided reading, class reading or using our Library or Reading Nook. All children have a home reader which is changed regularly. These are a combination of different genres and published schemes banded according to reading ability.
Reading for Pleasure is promoted through school. We aim to foster a lifelong love of reading through access to a wide range of quality books, author visits and special events such as our ‘Lost Words’ week and Book day.
Religious Education
Religious Education is taught across all year groups and further information can be found on each year groups curriculum letter. Should you not wish your child to take part in these lessons please contact the school office who will be able to assist you further.
Your support is vital and we would encourage you to spend time sharing books, sharing your interests and supporting your child with their homework. A few minutes a day is all it needs.
If you would like further information, please see your child’s teacher; Year Leader or Assistant Head teacher.
Mrs Franklin is our Curriculum Co-ordinator.