Stay up to date with your child’s learning
Here you will be able to find all the information you need in one place. Discover what we have been up to, read about the achievements of our pupils and get organised with upcoming dates for your child’s class.

You can also take a look at these new resources which may be of use to help in teaching your children from home:
Oak National Academy - Government backed home learning tool with videos which teach children English, maths and other subjects specifically for the age of your child.
BBC Live Lessons - Videos which focus on specific subjects along with BBC bitesize videos each week linked to a range of subjects, including geography, computing, history and more.
Monster Phonics - At Wyken Croft, we monster phonices. Please use the following link for futher information.
Monster Phonics Letter
Barefoot Computing - With just one click (and no need for logins), you can work together with your children through popular lessons made into easy activities, fun ‘mini missions’ and interactive online games!
Get in Touch
If you need to get in touch you can send us an email directly using the form below