Wyken Croft vs Parkhill in the Ben Whelan Cup Semi-Final


On Thursday 16th May, the Year 5/6 Football Team, run by Mr Lewis and Mr Brown, took part in the semi-finals of the Ben Whelan Cup.

It was a tough first 20 minutes. Parkhill played superbly and were 2-0 up at half-time. The Wyken Croft boys knew they had to put their all into the second half. After a collaborative team talk led by Mr Lewis, the boys went back onto the pitch with new aspirations. Veron (Year 6) had the game of his life, equalising the score to 2-2.

After a grilling 40 minutes and a 2-2 final score, the match went to penalties. Mason (Year 6 goalie) managed to save 2 goals and parkhill’s goalie only 1. This took the final score to 6-5.

Congratulations to the Wyken Croft team and coaches for their resilience to bounce back after half-time and their determination to win the game.

We are looking forwards to the final!

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