Join us in the Google Classroom !
Hello Year Three children and families!
Hope you are all well.
It has been fantastic to see so many of you joining in with the activities and learning we have been posting on line.
We have had some great Times Tables Rock Stars Battles between the classes and it has been lovely chatting on line to the children in our class.
If you haven’t already ,then come and join in!
It is free and it is easy !
All you have to do is log on to Google Classrooms using the link at the bottom of the website home page. You can always email using the website if you have a problem logging on, or you can search Google classrooms. There are also instructions on the home page on how to log on.
It would be great to see you there! What are you waiting for? come and join us!
Best Wishes and take care,
The Year Three Team
Learning can be fun!